Tuesday, 23 July 2024

SMPK Santa Maria II Malang

SMPK Santa Maria II Malang adalah sebuah sekolah yang berlokasi di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur

       Sekolah SMPK Santa Maria II Malang memiliki banyak kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh siswa. Semua kegiatan di sekolah ini bertujuan untuk mendukung perkembangan akademis, karakter, dan keterlampilan siswa. Berikut adalah contoh kegiatan yang dapat diikuti oleh siswa:

1. Kegiatan Akademis:

-Mengikuti Olimpiade seperti Olimpiade Sains, Matematika, dan bahasa Inggris. Dengan mengikuti Olimpiade/Lomba, siswa bisa mendapatkan pengalaman dan juga mengasakemampuan siswa dalam bidang Sains, Matematika, dan bahasa Inggris

2. Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler:

- Olahraga: sepak bola dan basket

- Seni: Tari traditional, tari modern, paduan suara, band, dan teater

-Klub: Matematika, biologi, dan inggris

3. Kegiatan Keagamaan

-Retret dan Rekoleksi: mendalami iman dan spiritualitas siswa

-Misa dan Doa bersama: memperkuat ikatan spiritual komunitas sekolah

4. Kegiatan Kemimpinan dan organisasi

-OSIS: Organisasi siswa intra sekolah yang mengkoordinasikan berbagai kegiatan sekolah dan mengembangkan kemampuan kepemimpinan siswa

       Dengan kegiatan kegiatan ini, siswa dapat mengembangkan ilmu dan bakat mereka. Mereka juga dapat belajar nilai-nilai moral, agama, dan akademis. Santa Maria 2 Malang juga memiliki lingkungan yangkondusif dan mendukung untuk kegiatan belajar. Fasilitas yang disediakan ada perpustakaan, laboratorium, dan ruang kelas yang nyaman. Komunitas sekolah bekerja sama untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang positif dan mendukung perkembangan akademis serta karakter siswa.

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Love to Hell ?

Venus was said that it was beautiful, that’s actually why it was popular; because of its beauty. They called it “venus” after the ancient roman Goddess known for love and beauty. Now, venus is known for its hot temperature. The once called the beautiful planet changed to hell. Just imagine, being called the Satans spawn just because you cant maintain your beauty.

⋆⁺‧₊☽ VENUS ☾₊‧⁺⋆

Venus is a planet in our solar system, to be specific the 2nd planet from the sun

“Venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming.”

  • "Venus, the evening star, the brightest of all."
  • "Venus, the planet of love, a fiery orb in the sky."
  • "Venus, a hellish world beneath a serene facade."
  • "Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty."
  • "The Morning Star and Evening Star were often associated with Venus in ancient cultures."
  • "Venus is a symbol of feminine beauty and sensuality in many cultures."

  • Venus: A Celestial Enigma

    Venus, the second planet from the sun, has long captivated human imagination. Often referred to as the "Evening Star" or the "Morning Star," it is the brightest object in the night sky after the moon. Its brilliance and proximity to Earth have made it a prominent figure in various cultures throughout history.

    In ancient Rome, Venus was associated with the goddess of love and beauty, inspiring poets and artists alike. Her symbol, a mirror or a dove, represented feminine grace and allure. In many other cultures, Venus has been linked to concepts of fertility, abundance, and sensuality.

    However, beneath its serene facade, Venus is a world of extremes. With a surface temperature hot enough to melt lead and an atmosphere thick with carbon dioxide, it is a hostile environment unlike any other in our solar system. The greenhouse effect, amplified by the thick atmosphere, has trapped heat, making Venus the hottest planet in the solar system.

    Despite its inhospitable conditions, Venus remains a fascinating object of study for astronomers. Its unique characteristics offer valuable insights into the formation and evolution of planets, particularly those within the habitable zone of a star. By understanding Venus, scientists can gain a better appreciation for the factors that contribute to the development of life-supporting environments.